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The oh so scary "Block of Text"

Writing about writing projects... where to begin. 


For me personal writing is often NOT an iterative process that takes months, but rather a spur-of-the-moment idea that not so suddenly appears on paper hours later. That's not to say that I don't edit, because boy oh boy do I edit, but I usually don't revisit projects later down the line. This means that many of my works end up in the dumpster or in a block-chain level encryption folder I dare not open. 


This made me kind of hesitant to upload some of my projects... "Are they actually portfolio ready?", I thought to myself. The answer is, as you might have guessed, it depends


Let's be honest for a moment, what is a "Portfolio ready Work"? If you've been on LinkedIn or ever talked to professionals you've probably heard a similar term, but that term itself has no universal meaning. "Portfolio ready" to the 1-month developer is very different from that of the 10-year vet. So it would be foolish to prescribe some sort of arbitrary metric for judging whether or not something is worthwhile or (dare I say) good.


Some of the pieces on this page have been painstakingly written and rewritten many times, some words have been deleted only to appear again ten minutes later when I hate the changes. If I wanted to have a "perfect" portfolio piece, I wouldn't have anything at all. 


So why write this block of text at all, why have anything on my website?

Ultimately, my portfolio is here to outline what I CAN do, not that I can do it perfectly. I can write, and I'd argue pretty well, but I am by no means Brandon Sanderson. Everything here has flaws, good. Everything here tells a story, perhaps one you've heard before, or perhaps it lets you peer into a world you never would've dreamed possible. 


Read on if you want to see what I'm capable of, you might find something interesting! If nothing else these works should provide some insight into my growth trajectory. Employees, and especially young ones like myself, aren't really hired for what they are in their current state, but rather for what they could become after being sharpened and honed over time. I'm no exception.


I could write much, much more, but I'll end my scary wall of text here. Go find another one right below!

The Executioner, Short Story

The Executioner is a short story I wrote back in October of 2022. Originally I wrote this 10-pager with the intent of making it a prologue for a novel. Later on, I realized that novel writing is not what I wanted to do, so I abandoned the project. Thankfully, however, the prologue was already done. 

It contains a variety of writing from combat scenes to visceral environment descriptions. 

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